‘Neither very good nor very bad’: The Dunmanway workhouse, County Cork 1841-1920
By John Dorney The workhouse was the last recourse of the poor in nineteenth century Ireland. In return for work, those otherwise …
By John Dorney The workhouse was the last recourse of the poor in nineteenth century Ireland. In return for work, those otherwise …
By John Dorney The year 2016 marked the centenary of the 1916 Easter Rising. At the start of the year I wrote …
By John Dorney The very name ‘Big House’ has a certain resonance in Irish historical memory. The Big House was the citadel …
By R.M. Douglas Published by Manchester Univrsity Press, 2009. Reviewer: Daniel Murray Fascists these days are a mealy-mouthed lot. Not racist but …
By Brighid O’Sullivan The man known as Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland is shrouded in so many fantastical stories that …
Brian Igoe looks at ‘The Liberator’s’ early years. It was an August Sunday, the 6th day of that month in 1775, the …
John Dorney looks at the election and meeeting of the first majority-Protestant Parliament in Irish history, in 1613. The Irish Parliament dated back …